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History of the Rokoko Palace

Rokoko palace had been built between the years 1912 and 1916 according to plans of Art Nouveau and cubist architect Emil Králíček. Authentic skylighting system which illuminates the arcade has been preserved during the 2005 reconstruction. It is  the only system of this kind currently at work in Prague.  

Architecturally, the Rokoko Palace is a three multi-purpose building complex, which constitute the corner of Wenceslas Square and Štěpánská street. Apart from the EA Hotel Rokoko****, which takes the largest part of the complex, you will find shops and offices in the arcade as well as the basement Rokoko Theatre with its cafe lounge shared by hotel guests at daytime and by theatregoers in the evening.

Prague's Arcades

Arcades are an important part of palaces on Wenceslas Square and its nearest vicinity. The passable Rokoko arcade is an extension of Prague's oldest Lucerna arcade and U Nováků arcade. The network of streets and buildings on the ground floor of the block squared by Wenceslas Sqaure and Vodičkova, V Jámě and Štěpánská streets creates a specific roof-covered township of a kind with its own unique system of streets, squares and crossings. 

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